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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

Our vision is to enable our whole school community to live life in all its fullness.
based on John 10:10

Courageous Advocacy

At St Matthew's we are often thinking about how we can help others and coming up with lots of ideas. During the year we organise many events to raise money and understanding of others' predicaments.

We discuss global and local issues in Collective Worship and the children amaze us with how they respond. They are always looking for ways to help others -  from making cakes and selling to neighbours, to selling off their pre-loved toys, to taking Christmas presents to children who will spend time in hospital, to donating to the local food bank and playing board games with the residents of our local care homes. 

Raising Money for Alzheimer's

Last Sunday, two of our Y6 pupils decided to raise some funds for an Alzheimer charity. They made bracelets, keyrings, stickers and cakes and also sold some of their old toys. They made posters to advertise their crafts and raised £68. We are so proud of them for thinking about others.

Reception & the residents of 'The Royal Star & Garter'

 Children in Reception have been visiting the residents of the Royal Star and Garter to join them for some game sessions. They played various games such as snakes and ladders, dominoes, noughts and crosses and tri-dominoes. It has been a really beneficial activity which was enjoyed by the children and residents alike. We look forward to further games sessions over the coming weeks.

Saving her pocket money for the children in Malawi

Fru brought in all the pocket money that she had been saving up over the last couple of weeks. She told Miss Dryden that she hadn't wanted to spend it on herself, instead she wanted it to go the children in Malawi who are less fortunate than herself. We think that this generosity and kindness to others is what make Fru and children at St. Matthew's so special. 

As it states in the Bible Matthew 25:35 

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’


Sleep out, to help out

 On Friday 15 October, Reuben and Ruby slept overnight in St Matthew’s Church to raise money for Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH). Young people from the 'Fuel' youth group braved the cold in their sleeping bags raising over £1,800 for KCAH.

Sophie's cake sale in aid of the Tower and Spire appeal

On Saturday 19 January, Sophie held a cake sale at our house in aid of the Tower and Spire Appeal at St Matthew’s Church.

The cake sale was all Sophie’s idea and she had the tenacity and perseverance to see it through. She created 17 posters advertising the sale – all with a different design – including one with a dog, another with a bus and all with catchy slogans and messages to encourage people to attend.

She then delivered the posters to friends and neighbours in the road. We also sent messages to friends in the local area, including people from Church and school who came along to support the sale.

Sophie helped to make and decorate 133 cakes. She also produced price lists and worked out what customers would save if they purchased 2, 3 or 10 cakes. She included a lucky dip of her unwanted toys for younger children to have.

On the day, Sophie stayed outside for the full two hours from 1-3pm in very cold winter weather! She served customers and took their money, told people what she was raising money for and suggested recommendations for what they should buy. She was ably supported in this by her big brother, Daniel. Her little sister, Jess, did not venture outside as it was too cold!

The cake sale was a great way to meet local friends and neighbours, and we were very touched by everyone’s generosity. We completely sold out of cakes and Sophie raised an amazing £86 for the St Matthew’s Church Tower & Spire Appeal.

We are very proud of everything Sophie did to make it happen.