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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

Our vision is to enable our whole school community to live life in all its fullness.
based on John 10:10


Our Vision for Languages

Languages are taught in French at St Matthew's C of E, and our aim is to promote a positive language-learning experience. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop the four key skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking through the teaching of phonics, grammar and vocabulary.

In KS2, we are following KAPOW’s scheme of work. Our French-speaking teachers will adapt this scheme to meet the needs of the individual learners in their class. Our curriculum is a spiral curriculum, which means skills and grammar concepts are frequently revisited with increasing depth so that pupils can build upon previous knowledge.

During French lessons, children begin to gain confidence in language learning through songs and games, as well as studying books and completing a range of activities with them. As they progress throughout school, they are equipped to begin to manipulate the language and can talk about themselves, their interests and can interact appropriately in a range of situations, for example, cafés and shops. Towards the end of Year 6, the children are able to write sentences/postcards and/or letters in French, and enjoy a better understanding of the culture of France.

Throughout the whole school, pupils get the opportunity to develop their intercultural understanding through French afternoons and Languages Week, where we celebrate French traditions and events. 

Our Languages Curriculum 

Our curriculum provides pupils with a firm foundation of language learning which covers the National Curriculum. Phonics, vocabulary and grammar are woven into our teaching to ensure gradual progression and understanding of the interplay between these three elements. Our units have been planned so that they build upon one another; frequently revisiting key concepts and vocabulary in greater depth. From Reception to Year Six, the children are also immersed in 'Language of the Month' which celebrates the many languages spoken within our school community. Children are taught how to greet each other in the register and are introduced to common words and phrases.


In EYFS and KS1 children are introduced to French through listening to songs, stories and answering the register in French. 

Lower KS1

In years 3 and 4, children are taught high frequency vocabulary such as numbers, adjectives and classroom objects that can be used in practical contexts. Pupils are given opportunities to develop communication in both spoken and written French, although in Year 3, the focus is on developing their oral skills, before incorporating written French in Year 4 and beyond. Teachers often use rhymes, songs and games to engage pupils. They develop their ‘language detective’ skills whilst learning about cognates and near-cognates. In year 4, pupils begin to learn essential grammar concepts such as masculine and feminine nouns.

Upper KS2

 In years 5 and 6, pupils re-encounter and learn key vocabulary and phonemes in greater depth. They continue to develop their understanding of grammar concepts such as masculine and feminine pronouns, and conjugation of verbs. Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work including role-play, language games and language detective work. Children continue to learn to communicate through listening, speaking, reading and writing in relevant units such as ‘Visiting a French Town’.



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