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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

Our vision is to enable our whole school community to live life in all its fullness.
based on John 10:10

Remote Learning

We aim to ensure that there is alignment as far as possible between face-to-face and remote education, so that, should pupils need to self-isolate, they can transition smoothly back into the classroom having followed the same curriculum sequence and content as their in-school peers.

If a child is ill, we would not expect them to complete remote learning. With rest, they are more likely to have a speedy recovery and be able to return to school more quickly. 

If your child is absent from school for 24 - 48 hours waiting for a test or result and they are well enough to complete school work, please open the 'tier one' document below for further information.

Please contact the school office when you become aware that your child may have to isolate over a longer period of time. Your child's class teacher will upload tasks onto Google Classroom or Tapestry for them to complete. 

reception tier 1.pdf


year 1 tier 1.pdf


year 2 tier 1.pdf


year 3 tier 1.pdf


year 4 tier 1.pdf


year 5 tier 1.pdf


year 6 tier 1.pdf