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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

Our vision is to enable our whole school community to live life in all its fullness.
based on John 10:10


Our vision for Mathematics

At St Matthew’s we are passionate about teaching a high quality mathematical education. Through rich tasks, thoughtful variation, and a range of representations, maths lessons help children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.

We are also proud to teach maths lessons that engage learners. We design our lesson to include lots of practice and opportunity for talk. Our children relish the opportunity to get ‘stuck in’ to their maths lessons, developing their sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

Our Mathematics Curriculum 

We believe use a ‘teaching for mastery’ approach to underpin our maths curriculum. Using carefully planned small steps, and whole class approach, we are able to deepen children’s understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts.

The development of good number sense is crucial to securing firm foundations in maths. In Reception, our children follow the NCETM mastering number program aimed at developing fluency and flexibility with number. Alongside this program, they also explore shape, space and measure through directed activities and shared play.

For years 1 – 5 we use Mathematics Mastery as starting point for teachers to follow. Tasks are sequenced carefully to help learners build on prior knowledge. These key principles are woven into the sequence of lessons taught. Children practise mathematical skills through varied fluency, mathematical language and rich problems.

In Year 6, we use the teaching for mastery approach to tailor a personalised curriculum, reflecting the demands of the Y6 SATS as well as their transition through to secondary school.

At St Matthew’s we view the Mathematics Mastery resources provided as a program for professional development, rather than an ‘off the shelf’ scheme of work. Through continuing CPD teachers are guided through how to adapt their planning, within the mastery model, based on their class context.

Curriculum Overviews

mathematics ltp.pdf


progression of skills in maths.pdf

 Home Support



times tables resource.pdf


vocabulary list reception to year 6.pdf