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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

Our vision is to enable our whole school community to live life in all its fullness.
based on John 10:10

Religious Education 

Our Vision for Religious Education

Our RE curriculum is wide and varied. Children learn about the Christian religion and other faiths, including Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism. The children love to visit places of worship and are keen to learn about how people express their beliefs.

We visit our local church for services celebrating Harvest Festival, Christmas, Easter and for a Leavers’ Service at the end of the year.

What children say about RE...

We recently asked some children their thoughts on RE within our school community. Here are some of their responses:

"The unit we are studying at the moment has helped me to think about and make wise choices."

Juana (Y3)

 "We watch videos to help us learn."

Annabelle and Delilah (Y1)

 "I enjoy learning about other religions. It helps me to think about others."

Isabelle (Y6)


Quotes about Faith Team:

 "We are learning about courageous advocacy. Courageous advocacy is trying to do something good and standing up for what you believe. We can change things."

Oli Y2 and Anay Y5


"We say prayers at lunch time and prayers at home time."

Lilly Y4


"We practice open prayer in our Faith Team meetings."

Jacob Y5


Our Children's Faith Team

Our Children’s Faith Team is a group of children from Year 1 to Year 6. They may be from different faiths, or of none, and they meet Ms Pearce regularly to represent their peers in issues connected to collective worship, prayer areas and the Religious Education curriculum, as well as sharing ideas as to how we can be courageous advocates.

Our Faith Team benefit the whole school as it gives opportunities for the members to communicate feelings and opinions from the whole school community.

Ways that the Children’s Faith Team have impacted on school life include:

Assessing how well class prayer areas are used and suggesting themes for them in conjunction with their class teacher.

Ensuring the class prayer areas are accessible for all and are in keeping with the liturgical calendar.

Assessing enjoyment of how RE is taught and suggesting further ideas to engage.

Speaking at the Adult Faith Team during the year, sharing their work and views.

The aims of the Children’s Faith Team are:

To promote the views of the children through discussion about the issued raised.

To help the people who make the decisions in the school understand and respect the point of view of the children in school

To enable children to have an experience of representing their class.

To promote the school’s reputation and to maintain the school ethos.

The children were asked what they enjoyed about being part of the Faith Team this year.


“It is good that we get to talk about things that matter to us. As a Faith Team member, I lead the prayer time in class. At the end of day, I lead an open prayer, where people get to choose what to pray for.” (Oliver Y6)

“I like our meetings and that we can think about how we can help the school.” (Nikol Year 5)

“I like the responsibility of litter picking and that it is helping the environment. I am being a steward of God’s world.” (Ted Year 5)






re ltp .pdf



our christian distinctiveness.pdf