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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

Our vision is to enable our whole school community to live life in all its fullness.
based on John 10:10

The Church

Welcome from Reverend Caroline Kramer


Welcome. St Matthews’s church is a wonderfully diverse community where we value imagination, exploration and celebration of our faith. We are from all walks and every decade of life. We encourage everyone to find their own unique faith journey and this extends into our work with St. Matthews Primary School. You know how unique your child is and we want to nuture that is faith formation. We don’t want to offer easy answers to hard questions but seek to provide each person with tools to reflect and learn in community.

St. Matthew’s Primary School is a core part of our church family. Many of the children walk or drive past the church each day on their way to and from school and we want them to know that this is their church, and, as part of the St. Matthew’s Community, yours as well.

Christian faith is not a fairy-tale, neither should it be a set of platitudes. One of our key tasks as a Church is equipping our children with a self-confident spiritual basis for the rest of their lives. We want our children to develop their own spiritual habits and relationships with God. When they move on from St Matthew’s Primary School, we hope they will want to stay with the Church but, more than that, we hope they will know how valuable they are and will be able to develop their own understanding of faith and their own spiritual needs.


Rev. Caroline Kramer